In his own estimation, Damian Castillo's life has been somewhat unremarkable. Aside from a few dramatic exes and his parents divorcing during his senior year of high school, his life has been quite benign compared to others'. Born the youngest of three children, Damian spent the first few years of his life on the West coast of Florida. Before entering preschool, his mother decided to return to graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh. The move was jarring for the Castillo children, but not necessarily traumatic, and they all adjusted fairly quickly to their new hometown.
Growing up in Pittsburgh was fairly idyllic for the Castillo kids. They were afforded the stereotypical middle-class Midwestern childood of the 80s and 90s -- filled with sleepovers, sports, and Sunday dinners. While their parents were both raised Catholic, Damian and his siblings were never forced to abide by their parents' religious beliefs. They were encouraged at a young age to explore their own interests, and find out who they were as individuals. Of course, this liberal view toward child rearing sometimes resulted in heated arguments between the siblings, but more often than not they were able to grow together, supporting one another.
By the time Damian had entered high school, the relationship between Maria and Gustavo Castillo was strained at best. While they never had an overly volatile relationship, it was clear by Maria's long hours and Gustavo's increased moodiness that their marriage was quickly heading toward separation, or divorce. Damian, however, hoped for the best and made sure not to be a worry to his parents. Focusing on his studies, he pulled good grades while being incredibly active in extracurricular activities. He played baseball and soccer all four years of high school, and was a member of many school-sponsored clubs and groups. By the time he graduated in 1998, Damian had earned an academic scholarship at Penn State University.
Maria and Gustavo Castillo's divorce was finalized two months before Damian's high school graduation. While he understood that it was for the best, Damian couldn't help but wonder if his parents' marriage, and subsequent divorce, wasn't indicative of all modern romantic relationships. Indeed, he found it difficult to commit himself to any of the girls he had dated in high school, entering collegiate life with low expectations. Again, he kept his head down and focused on his studies. Damian had known he wanted to be a teacher from a fairly early age. When he played make-believe with his older sister, it as almost always a classroom they imagined. So, it was no surprise when he declared himself an education major during his second term. The almost obsessive love of history, however, came a bit later. What had begun as a minor eventually blossomed into a second major, and when Damian graduated, he did so with two bachelor's degrees.
The decision to move to Ohio, and attend OSU, was an easy one for Damian. It was one of the best universities in the region, and he was offered several graduate scholarships. This time, he focused on history -- specifically American History. Now in his early twenties, Damian found himself becoming increasingly more social, and engaging in a truly adult relationship for the first time in his life. Being in love seemed to only enhance his everyday life in ways he couldn't imagine previously. So, when his girlfriend told him she was planning to move to Boston after graduation, Damian considered relocating as well. Indeed, upon graduating from Ohio State University, they moved to Boston together.
Boston was familiar in ways that Damian couldn't quite articulate. He settled into his new home easily, finding work as a substitute teacher while he waited to take his certification exams. Unfortunately, the move put unforeseen strain on his love life, and the woman he considered the first real love of his life slipped away six months later. Ever resilient, Damian shifted his focus to work, eventually landing a job at East Boston High School as a history teacher. Almost a decade later, he couldn't imagine teaching anywhere else. Quickly approaching forty, Damian has thought more and more about marriage and family. While he doesn't expect to find 'the one' anytime soon, he's always aware of how life can shift in an instant and, ultimately, that anything is possible.
Damian was transported to San Francisco, California in August of 2018, with no memory of being in Boston at all. If he were to be asked, Damian would say that he followed his college sweetheart to California, and has been there ever since. Working as a history teacher and soccer coach at George Washington High School, he is as happy and content as he's ever been. There is nothing in his life to suggest that anything might be abnormal.
Growing up in Pittsburgh was fairly idyllic for the Castillo kids. They were afforded the stereotypical middle-class Midwestern childood of the 80s and 90s -- filled with sleepovers, sports, and Sunday dinners. While their parents were both raised Catholic, Damian and his siblings were never forced to abide by their parents' religious beliefs. They were encouraged at a young age to explore their own interests, and find out who they were as individuals. Of course, this liberal view toward child rearing sometimes resulted in heated arguments between the siblings, but more often than not they were able to grow together, supporting one another.
By the time Damian had entered high school, the relationship between Maria and Gustavo Castillo was strained at best. While they never had an overly volatile relationship, it was clear by Maria's long hours and Gustavo's increased moodiness that their marriage was quickly heading toward separation, or divorce. Damian, however, hoped for the best and made sure not to be a worry to his parents. Focusing on his studies, he pulled good grades while being incredibly active in extracurricular activities. He played baseball and soccer all four years of high school, and was a member of many school-sponsored clubs and groups. By the time he graduated in 1998, Damian had earned an academic scholarship at Penn State University.
Maria and Gustavo Castillo's divorce was finalized two months before Damian's high school graduation. While he understood that it was for the best, Damian couldn't help but wonder if his parents' marriage, and subsequent divorce, wasn't indicative of all modern romantic relationships. Indeed, he found it difficult to commit himself to any of the girls he had dated in high school, entering collegiate life with low expectations. Again, he kept his head down and focused on his studies. Damian had known he wanted to be a teacher from a fairly early age. When he played make-believe with his older sister, it as almost always a classroom they imagined. So, it was no surprise when he declared himself an education major during his second term. The almost obsessive love of history, however, came a bit later. What had begun as a minor eventually blossomed into a second major, and when Damian graduated, he did so with two bachelor's degrees.
The decision to move to Ohio, and attend OSU, was an easy one for Damian. It was one of the best universities in the region, and he was offered several graduate scholarships. This time, he focused on history -- specifically American History. Now in his early twenties, Damian found himself becoming increasingly more social, and engaging in a truly adult relationship for the first time in his life. Being in love seemed to only enhance his everyday life in ways he couldn't imagine previously. So, when his girlfriend told him she was planning to move to Boston after graduation, Damian considered relocating as well. Indeed, upon graduating from Ohio State University, they moved to Boston together.
Boston was familiar in ways that Damian couldn't quite articulate. He settled into his new home easily, finding work as a substitute teacher while he waited to take his certification exams. Unfortunately, the move put unforeseen strain on his love life, and the woman he considered the first real love of his life slipped away six months later. Ever resilient, Damian shifted his focus to work, eventually landing a job at East Boston High School as a history teacher. Almost a decade later, he couldn't imagine teaching anywhere else. Quickly approaching forty, Damian has thought more and more about marriage and family. While he doesn't expect to find 'the one' anytime soon, he's always aware of how life can shift in an instant and, ultimately, that anything is possible.
Damian was transported to San Francisco, California in August of 2018, with no memory of being in Boston at all. If he were to be asked, Damian would say that he followed his college sweetheart to California, and has been there ever since. Working as a history teacher and soccer coach at George Washington High School, he is as happy and content as he's ever been. There is nothing in his life to suggest that anything might be abnormal.

Dream is one of the seven Endless, who are inconceivably powerful beings older than gods. He is both the personification, as well as the lord over all dreams and stories, and all that is not in reality (which, in turn, Dream may define by his existence). He has taken many names such as Morpheus, Kai'ckul, and Oneiros. His appearance can change, depending on the entity looking upon him. He is described in Season of Mists as appearing to mortals as "rake-thin, with skin the color of falling snow" and that he "casts a human shadow when it occurs to him to do so".
cv tie-ins
names both start with 'd' • similar styles of dress (dark colors, comfortable) • has an older brother and sister • raven tattoo (nod to Matthew the Raven) • dark hair/eyes and strong features • somewhat moody and self-involved • has a history of vivid, involved dreams • can appear insensitive and cold • exacting nature and exceedingly responsible
illusion casting
dreaming reality warping
dream conjuring
superhuman strength
superhuman stamina
energy absorption
sand of sleep
dream's overcoat
dream's robes
the magdelne grimoire
castle of dream
memories of the endless
Dream comes from New Earth.
• Has an older brother and sister. The three Castillo kids grew up in Pittsburgh for most of their life. The family moved from Tampa when Damian was three.
• Damian's parents divorced during his senior year of high school. Both parents were remarried by the time Damian finished his undergraduate degree. • Is a Penn State almunus, earning a double undergraduate degree in education and history in 2001.
• Taught in local high schools while earning his master's degree in History at Ohio State University, graduating in 2004.
• Moved to Boston in 2005 with a girlfriend. Damian eventually lost the girlfriend, but remained in the city.
• Has been teaching at East Boston High School since 2008. He enjoys interacting with his students, and broadening their perception of history.
• Damian's area of expertise is Early American and Civil War history, though he has a deep passion for Ancient history.
• Damian was transported to San Francisco in August 2018, but has no memory of his time in Boston. All his memories of Boston are replaced with those associated with San Francisco.